Midwest Leadership Institute

Event Details


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Time 8:15am–11:30am
1120 E. Diehl Road
NapervilleIllinois 60563

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Delivery Method In Person

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Event Description

The Midwest Leadership Institute brings an extensive four-and-a-half-day program designed to address the challenges facing local government professionals. Managers typically have the skill set and drive to lead; however, the successful manager is someone who has a deep understanding of interpersonal leadership and organizational behavior. It is someone who can see both the big and the small picture and has a deep understanding of the internal self while successfully managing others. 

Attendees will learn the concepts needed to thrive in an increasingly complex world from two experienced local government professionals and two organizational psychiatrists who have served the profession for more than 40 years: David M. Limardi, ICMA Midwest Regional Director, Robert R. Kiely. Jr., David E. Morrison, M.D., and Daven Morrison, M.D.

The Midwest Leadership Institute is open to CAOs, assistant, department heads and others in a leadership position within organizations.  The 2022 MLI is scheduled for April 25 - 29 at the NIU Naperville campus.