Quad Cities Finance Lunch Crunch - Moodys GO Methodology

Event Details


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Time 12:00pm
Location Johnnys Italian Steakhouse
1300 River Drive

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Delivery Method In Person
Field of Study Finance
NASBA CPE Earn 1.00 CPE Hours
Contact Megan Petersen, City of East Moline

Event Cost

Event Description

Moody’s GO methodology, the ratings process, and key credit trends facing Illinois cities, counties, park districts and community colleges. 

The session will cover the factors in Moody’s General Obligation ratings methodology and the key steps in the ratings process. Analysts will also discuss credit trends facing Illinois local governments inclusive of cities and counties, park districts, and community colleges. The session will also discuss the impact of state pressures and how strong management and reserves can help mitigate the credit impact.

Intended Audience: Finance Professionals

Learning Objectives – participants completing this webinar should be able to:
1. Learn about the steps in the bond rating process
2. Discuss the criteria used by Moody's to rate government bonds
3. Understand how being a local government in Illinois impacts bond ratings

Speakers: David Levett, Analyst, Moody's and  Coley Anderson, Analyst, Moody's

Delivery method
: Group-Live
Program Level: Overview
Prerequisites: No prerequisites required
Advanced Preparation: No advanced preparation required
Field of Study: Finance
Earn about 1.0 CPE Credits

Check in at 11:45
Lunch at 12:00
Presentation at 12:30

Presented by the Downstate chapter

Registration & Cancellation Policy

Please register by June 10, 2016.

Registrations are accepted on a first-in, first registered basis. Payments by check should be mailed in advance or made at time of registration by credit card. 

IGFOA Members are those individuals from the Public Sector, Partner, and Individual Firm specifically listed in the IGFOA Membership Directory. IGFOA Government staff member rate applies to staff, appointed officials, and elected officials of a government with a current IGFOA membership. If you have questions about your membership, contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587. The IGFOA reserves the right to apply the non-member fee to any individual or government that has not paid dues for the current year. If you are unable to attend, please contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587 or info@igfoa.org as soon as possible.  A $10 cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations up to June 10, 2016. Cancellations after June 10, 2016 and no-shows are responsible for the full tuition.

IGFOA Downstate Chapter reserves the right to modify the agenda, cancel the event due to low enrollment, or to close registration if full. Should IGFOA Downstate Chapter cancel an event, cancellation notice will be sent to the email address provided by each registrant and prominently posted at the IGFOA website page announcing the event. 

By submitting this registration, the applicant agrees to the registration and cancellation policy above.

Approved by the National Registry of CPE Sponsors

CPE SponsorsCPE Registry Illinois Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

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