Downstate Chapter Southwestern Region Holiday Luncheon

Event Details


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Time 11:45am
Location Horseshoe Lounge
950 Talon Drive

Map and directions
Delivery Method In Person
Contact Sandy Evans, City of O'Fallon

Event Cost

Event Description


You are invited to join fellow Finance Officers and Municipal Treasurers for a Downstate Regional Networking Holiday Luncheon on
 Friday, December 8  from 11:45pm to 1:30 p.m. at the Horseshoe Lounge, 950 Talon Drive,  O’Fallon, IL   (We will order off the menu with attendees paying for their own lunch.)  

 Our guest speaker is Jeremy Plank, with RSM US LLP.  His session will include a framework for creating a Fraud Response Plan and the benefits to both the entity and the finance professional. The framework will be applied to real scenarios to see how a Fraud Response Plan would have helped.

This is a FREE event (other than your lunch) and gives you a great opportunity to get to know your fellow Treasurers and Finance Officers in Southern Illinois. You do not need to be a member of IGFOA to attend!

Presented by the Downstate chapter

Registration & Cancellation Policy

Attendees will order off the menu and pay for their own lunch. 

Please RSVP to ensure adequate space is reserved at the restaurant.

IGFOA reserves the right to modify the agenda, cancel the event due to low enrollment, or to close registration if full. Should IGFOA Downstate Chapter cancel an event, cancellation notice will be sent to the email address provided by each registrant and prominently posted at the IGFOA website page announcing the event. 

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