GFOA Annual Conference

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Location Minneapolis Convention Center


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Delivery Method In Person
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GFOA’s 108th annual conference, The Future of Government Finance

plan on attending the IGFOA member meet-up on Sunday, May 18 - details announced soon!

Eugene Robinson to deliver Monday keynote address to GFOA conference delegates

Cy Wakeman to deliver Tuesday keynote address to GFOA conference delegates

more details at

First-time annual conference attendee scholarships
The GFOA strives to provide leadership to the government finance profession through education, research, and best practices. Nowhere are these efforts more apparent than at the GFOA annual conference. To keep with our commitment, the GFOA Executive Board is pleased to announce:

50 scholarships will be awarded per state or province in the amount of the full-conference registration fee to first-time conference attendees who are GFOA active government members. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please e-mail