IGFOA GEN & Downstate ILCMA: Workforce of the Future

Event Details


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Time 9:30am
Location Marriott Bloomington/Normal
201 Broadway Avenue
NormalIL 61761

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Delivery Method In Person
Field of Study Personnel/Human Resources - Non-Technical
NASBA CPE Earn 5.00 CPE Hours
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Event Description

Downstate City/County Management Association & Illinois GFOA – Growth and Engagement Network (GEN) present

Workforce of the Future Workshop

Are You Ready for the Workforce of the Future?  What should leaders of local government who want to build their 21st-Century workforce do?  Discard old models in favor of proven approaches tocreate the Workforce of Tomorrow – including realizing it is not the sole responsibility of the Human Resources Department, but instead the entire organization.  

Learn the 8-step approach to becoming a talent-centric organization and translate the headwinds of change into a tailwind. Patrick Ibarra of the Mejorando Group will lead this interactive workshop, which will include progressive and practical strategies and tools to attract, retain, and optimize talent Attendees will walk away with a plan for next steps to move their organization forward!

Speaker - Patrick Ibarra, Mejorando Group
As Co-Founder and Partner of the Mejorando Group, Patrick Ibarra is an architect of innovation and entrepreneur of ideas who seeks to challenge the status quo thinking of “we’ve always done it that way” and replace it with a progressive approach to continuous improvement.

Learning Objectives: Participants completing this program will be able to:

  1. Understand the “old model” used by governments to attract workers;
  2. Identify other factors at work and why old models should be discarded;
  3. Explore strategies and tools to attract, retain, and optimize talent;
  4. Gain knowledge of how to meet community needs for service in non-traditional ways;
  5. Learn why recruitment and selection is not just an HR function;
  6. Understand the role social media plays in attracting top talent;
  7. Become familiar with what it means to have an active and relevant social media presence; and,
  8. Learn why training is an integral part of workforce development.

Delivery method: Group-Live
Program Level: Update
Prerequisites: No prerequisites required
Advanced Preparation: No advanced preparation required
Field of Study: Personnel/Human Resources - Non-Technical
CPE Credits: Earn about 5.0 CPE credits

Continental Bkfst: 9:00 – 9:30 AM
Presentation: 9:30 – Noon
Lunch: Noon – 12:30
Presentation: 12:30 – 2:00 PM

Hotel Accommodations - Bloomington Normal Marriott, 201 Broadway Ave., Normal, IL
The room rate is $131 plus tax per night. Be sure to mention the Downstate Managers to get the discounted rate. Please reserve your room by April 13 by calling 1-866-704- 2533.

Registration & Cancellation Policy

Registrations are accepted on a first-in, first registered basis.  Payments by check should be mailed in advance or made at time of registration by credit card. 

IGFOA Members are those Public Sector and Partner or Associate individuals specifically listed in the IGFOA Membership Application or Renewal. IGFOA Government non-member rate applies to staff, appointed officials, and elected officials of a government with a current IGFOA membership. If you have questions about your membership, contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587. The IGFOA reserves the right to apply the non-member fee to any individual or government that has not paid dues for the current year.

If you are unable to attend, please contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587 or info@igfoa.org as soon as possible.  A $20 cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations up to April 20, 2018. Cancellations after April 20, 2018 and no-shows are responsible for the full tuition.

IGFOA reserves the right to modify the agenda, cancel the event due to low enrollment, or to close registration if full.  Should IGFOA cancel an event, cancellation notice will be sent to the email address provided by each registrant and prominently posted at the IGFOA website page announcing the event. By submitting this registration, the applicant agrees to the registration and cancellation policy above.

Approved by the National Registry of CPE Sponsors

CPE SponsorsCPE Registry Illinois Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

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