All the Queen's Horses Showing

Event Details


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Time 7:00pm
Location Wildey Theatre
252 North Main Street
EdwardsvilleIL 62025

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Delivery Method In Person

Event Cost

Event Description

Private showing brought to you by the Southwestern Illinois City Management Association (SWICMA), the Downstate Chapter of the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA), and Southwestern Illinois Municipal Clerks Association. 

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How could one woman steal $53 million without anyone noticing? As city comptroller of Dixon, IL, Rita Crundwell stole $53 million of public funds across 20 years––making her the perpetrator of the largest case of municipal fraud in American history. She used the funds to build one of the nation's leading quarter horse breeding empires, all while forcing staff cuts, police budget slashing, and neglect of public infrastructure. ALL THE QUEEN'S HORSES investigates her crime, her lavish lifestyle and the small town she left in her wake. Runtime: 70 minutes.


Ticket Costs:
* $5: Members of Southwestern Illinois City Management Association (SWICMA), the Downstate Chapter of the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA), and Southwestern Illinois Municipal Clerks Association
* $10: Non-members

Purchase Tickets Online at

Presented by the Downstate chapter

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