Legislative Update – IML Analysis of Senate Bill 2039

Posted December 11, 2015 in Legislative briefs

As previously reported, SB2039 makes various appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2016 budget. Most of the appropriations are non-general revenue funds. To assist local governments with understanding the content of SB2039, the Illinois Municipal League (IML) completed a staff analysis. The staff analysis is presented in two sections: Highlighted Appropriations of Funds for Local Governments and Appropriations of Funds for State Departments and State Officers.

Below is the first section with the funds most pertinent to municipalities and other units of local government.

Highlighted Appropriations of Funds for Local Government

Motor Fuel Tax Funds: 
* Counties - $204,108,000 
* Municipalities - $285,775,000 
* Road Districts - $92,617,000

Other Local Funds: 
* Casino Tax to Municipalities - $100,000,000 
* Video Gaming Tax to Municipalities and Counties - $45,000,000 
* Use Tax to Chicago - $84,400,000 
* Use Tax to Counties and Municipalities - $255,100,000 
* Grants to local governments, emergency telephone system boards, or State Police for design, implementation, operation, maintenance or upgrade of wireless 9-1-1 or E9-1-1 and public answering points - $77,130,000

For the second section and the complete IML staff analysis of SB2039, please use the following link, http://iml.org/file.cfm?key=9558 or download the document here.

The IGFOA thanks the IML for its ongoing commitment to providing the IGFOA with timely and relevant information on legislative issues important to the IGFOA membership.