IGFOA Downstate Chapter Professional Development

Event Details


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Time 8:30am
Location Peoria Riverfront Museum
222 SW Washington St.
PeoriaIL 61602

Map and directions
Delivery Method In Person
Field of Study Business Management and Organization - 6 CPE Credit
NASBA CPE Earn 6.00 CPE Hours
Contact Eric Dubrowski

Event Cost

Event Description

This seminar will explore how to keep your employees engaged, the importance of developing a Succession Plan for  positions in your organization, and identify tips on how to bring both new and old board/council members “on board” with the understanding of the importance of finance in the oversight of your government.   The intended audience is Finance Directors, Assistant Finance Directors, Managers, and Supervisors.

Sessions Include

Employee Engagement - The Missing Link 
Dave Goranson, President/Founder of Goranson Consulting, Inc 
A fast moving, comprehensive training session on the one factor that can make or break any organization….and their bottom line. Through videos, learning exercises, lecture and discussion this session will immediately give you some ideas you can take back to the workplace and use.

Succession Planning 
Michael J. Earl, Senior Vice President, GovHR USA 
We have all heard about Succession Planning but what is it and do I really need one? This session explores reasons to consider a Succession Plan for positions in your organization, discusses the key elements of a Succession Plan and the different approaches to consider when developing a practical and meaningful Succession Plan.

All Aboard! How to Communicate With New Board/Council Members About Finance 
Michael Malatt, CPA, Senior Manager at Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP 
A major responsibility for every finance director is to report data and communicate financial matters to the governing body on a regular basis. However, boards and councils are comprised of individuals from many walks of life, mostly non-financial. How do you communicate such information in a digestible and understandable manner to non-financial individuals? How do you express the importance of the Finance Department and the role you and your team plays in the organization? In this session, we will discuss tips on how to bring both new and old board/council members “on board” with the understanding of the importance of finance in the oversight of your government.

The day also includes a Networking Luncheon and tour of the Peoria Riverfront Museum.


Learning Objectives - Participants completing this seminar will be able to: see attached
: None
Advanced preparation required: No advanced preparation required
Delivery method: Group-live
CPE program level: Overview
Field of Study: Business Management and Organization
CPE credits : About 6.0 CPE hours

Presented by the Downstate chapter

Registration & Cancellation Policy

Registrations are accepted on a first-in, first registered basis. Payments by check should be mailed in advance or made at time of registration by credit card. 

IGFOA Members are those individuals from the Public Sector, Partner, and Individual Firm specifically listed in the IGFOA Membership Directory. IGFOA Government staff member rate applies to staff, appointed officials, and elected officials of a government with a current IGFOA membership. If you have questions about your membership, contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587. The IGFOA reserves the right to apply the non-member fee to any individual or government that has not paid dues for the current year. If you are unable to attend, please contact IGFOA at 630-942-6587 or info@igfoa.org as soon as possible.  A $20 cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations up to July 15, 2016. Cancellations after July 15, 2016 and no-shows are responsible for the full tuition.

IGFOA Downstate Chapter reserves the right to modify the agenda, cancel the event due to low enrollment, or to close registration if full. Should IGFOA Downstate Chapter cancel an event, cancellation notice will be sent to the email address provided by each registrant and prominently posted at the IGFOA website page announcing the event. 

By submitting this registration, the applicant agrees to the registration and cancellation policy above.

Approved by the National Registry of CPE Sponsors

CPE SponsorsCPE Registry Illinois Government Finance Officers Association (IGFOA) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

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