Partners' Forum

Chair: The Partner Representative to the Executive Board chairs the Partners' Forum. The Partner Representative is a voting member of the Executive Board and is appointed by the IGFOA President, serving at the President’s discretion.  

Members: The Partners' Forum consists of six Partner members in good standing who are appointed by the Chair for two-year, alternating terms. Members are from different firms representing the various services provided by IGFOA Partners. 

The Partners' Forum has five primary objectives and meets monthly to assess progress on these priorities and to address other issues and initiatives. 

  • Represent Partner interests to the Executive Board and IGFOA staff;
  • Review Partner Program benefits annually to maximize the value of a Partner membership;
  • Outreach to Partners to promote communication and assist with optimizing membership benefits;
  • Renew current Partner Program memberships and promote the program to potential members; and 
  • Ensure a Partner perspective is included as part of key policy and planning decisions, such as the Annual Conference Planning Team. 

As part of the outreach effort, each Partners' Forum member is assigned a group of Sustaining and Associate Partners. Forum members communicate important information and updates on IGFOA events.  A list of assignments can be found here. Although each partner has a designated Forum representative, any member of the Partners' Forum is an excellent source of information.